

MIRANDA - ZAMORA/Infante: Despite the blockade, President Maduro has managed to stabilize the economy

Infante highlighted that, thanks to the policies implemented by President Nicolás Maduro, 11 consecutive quarters of economic growth have been achieved.
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 09/05/2024 03:41 PM

The vice-president of the organization of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Pedro Infante, from Miranda state, stated that President Nicolás Maduro, in the midst of the blockade imposed by the United States Government, has managed to stabilize monetary parity.

During the mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of coercive and unilateral measures, from the municipality of Zamora, Infante stressed that thanks to the policies implemented by President Nicolás Maduro, 11 consecutive quarters of economic growth have been achieved.

“These mobilizations are to denounce the blockade and sanctions, and to ask that they be lifted now, to let the Venezuelan people work in peace,” Infante said.

He also noted that despite the impact of the blockade, “the call is to correct what needs to be corrected, to resolve what needs to be resolved and to move forward, as requested by President Nicolás Maduro.”

In that regard, Infante highlighted the capacity that the Venezuelan people have demonstrated to defeat the blockade.

Finally, he insisted that the communication battle is fundamental, “once our mobilization ends, we are all going to publish the videos on our social networks”.

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