

MIRANDA-ZAMORA/ Delcy Rodríguez: The patarucos wanted to set up a cheap show in Guatire

Mobilization of the People against the US blockade in Guatire, Miranda state

Published at: 31/05/2024 06:45 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, stated that the patarucos wanted to set up a cheap show dragging cardboard candidates across the country, but they met a people who told them: “They will never come back again!”

He offered this statement at the close of a large mobilization in the city of Guatire in Miranda state.

“We tell you from Guatire: do not dare to come to this state that bears the name of our great Francisco de Miranda. From here we tell them that there is enough history and honor to respond to those oligarchs who represent the old politics,” he said.

The senior official stated that President Nicolás Maduro offered supreme security to Venezuelan women in times of pandemic, something that the patarucos did not do.

“Where were the patarucos who come now to ask the Venezuelan people to vote on time? They are cheeks. They have always asked for sanctions and they said that they didn't mind drowning the People as long as that removed the Head of State (...) they don't care about the People,” he said.

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