

MIRANDA - SUCRE/Vice President Rodríguez: Venezuela will continue its course of happiness and well-being

Mobilization against the US blockade
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 13/05/2024 05:37 PM

Delcy Rodríguez assured that “Venezuela will continue its course of happiness and well-being”, stressing that “We are the sons and daughters of Bolívar and Chávez!”

This was stated at the close of a mobilization held this Monday, May 13 from the town of Petare in Miranda in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against the United States blockade.

“From Petare, we tell imperialism that we are tired of its sanctions, blockades and attacks against our country. We will never give up!” , he said while declaring that “let us never betray that heritage of our Liberators!

“In national union, let us defeat extremists, stateless people, those who want to hand over the country to imperialism,” he said.

Vice President Rodríguez accompanied the large march together with the governor of the entity Héctor Rodríguez and an immense red tide that took hold of the streets of Petare.

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