

MIRANDA - SUCRE/Rodríguez: We are not going to let the oligarchy hand over the Fatherland to imperialism

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic
PSUV press

Published at: 13/05/2024 06:19 PM

The Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, during a mobilization in the Sucre parish of Miranda state, assured that the revolutionary forces will not allow social and political castes to hand over the Fatherland to imperialism.

“We are not going to allow lords, oligarchs, surnames to come to hand over our country to imperialism,” Rodríguez said Monday at a mass event to demand that the United States government cease the sanctions and blockade against Venezuela.

He compared the leading democracy that consults the People on priority works for communities to the servitude of the representatives of the “surnames and oligarchs” who communicate daily to obey orders to the gringos, the Yankees, but never to the People of Venezuela.

Those who want to ask for a vote today were those who called for sanctions against Venezuela, just a few weeks ago. Just a few weeks ago they called for new sanctions against,” he complained.

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