

MIRANDA - SUCRE/Héctor Rodríguez: Chavism is united

Organization of the 1x10 Machinery in the state of Miranda
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/06/2024 11:05 AM

The representative of the Command of the Our Venezuela Campaign, Héctor Rodríguez, assured that in the state of Miranda, Chavism is united .


During the event of the Organization of the Machinery of the 1x10 electoral in the state of Miranda, the governor of this entity, emphasized that the majority of the people are Chavista who have solid leadership for July 28, 2024.


“Let no one rest everyone do all the necessary force to guarantee victory,” he urged while stressing that Nicolás Maduro is the only candidate who represents peace for the country.


“In these elections we are at stake for peace, we are risking the protection of the humble, they (the opposition) don't want the people (...) today the country is at peace thanks to the grassroots leaders and because of President Nicolás Maduro,” he said.


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