

Check of the PSUV 1x10 machinery in Miranda
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 04/06/2024 11:45 AM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, emphasized this Tuesday that our people have resisted the biggest attacks by the United States since 2015.

We have endured, the people of Venezuela have endured, resisted, fought and we have been winning,” Cabello said during the PSUV 1x10 Machinery Check in Miranda.

In this sense, he specified that the reality is that the United States has always attacked Venezuela since the arrival of the Revolution, only that before it was hiding behind other organizations; but since 2015, when Barack Obama declared our country an “unusual and extraordinary threat”, the empire has been at the forefront of attacks.

In this regard, he stressed that today Venezuela is facing the most powerful imperialism in the world, even though our ancestors fought against the Spanish, “but at that time there were a large number of countries that believed themselves to be empires (...) and this North American empire was being born, which supports their thesis that they are the center of power, the entire European Union was subordinated to the center of power of the United States”.

He stressed that in the face of this, today there are other “centers of power, I am not saying spontaneous, but provoked by the actions of North American imperialism, increasingly erratic; those who want to see an erratic policy see what is happening against the Palestinian people, ordered by imperialism”.

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