

MIRANDA - PETARE/Delcy Rodríguez: Commander Chávez left a people with a voice to defend their rights

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic together with the governor of Miranda
PSUV press

Published at: 13/05/2024 05:40 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, during the mobilization against the criminal sanctions of imperialism held in Petare, Miranda state, stressed that one of the legacies left by Commander Chávez was to know that Venezuelans are a people with a voice and rights.

“One of the most important and inalienable inheritances that Commander Chávez left us was to know that we are a people who have a voice and that we cannot give up our rights,” said Rodríguez, who visited the El Morro sector, accompanied by the governor of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez.

Rodríguez stressed that in the Bolivarian Revolution the poor are people with rights, and together they have a giant voice that resounds all over the planet and that made Commander Chávez a world leader.

“The eyes of the world are on how the Venezuelan people decide their destiny and they are witnessing how the oligarchy and the empire apply their sanctions against the most vulnerable,” he said.

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