

Miranda has 39 suitable beaches and 23 rivers to enjoy the 2024 Carnival

Carnivals 2024 in Miranda
VTV photo

Published at: 11/02/2024 09:03 AM

The Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Miranda, Lorena Lin, reported that in the state there are 39 suitable beaches, four national parks, 23 rivers and various tourist, sports, cultural and recreational platforms for travelers during these carnivals of 2024.

“We are welcoming all tourists and travelers, with the warmth that characterizes Miranda... In addition, we have multidisciplinary deployment in all 21 municipalities of the entity, with 27 road service points. We have recreational, sports, cultural activities, thousands of security officers. Miranda is among the 5 safest states in Venezuela, so come and enjoy one of the states that has everything,” he said.

In addition, according to information from Venezolana de Televisión, it indicated that more than 9,000 officials are at road points and tourist care, who also offer guidance to visitors and seasonal workers who travel through the region.

For his part, the mayor of the Brión municipality, Yohan Ponce, stressed that thanks to President Nicolás Maduro and Governor Héctor Rodríguez, they have “a security deployment so that seasonal workers feel safe and enjoy with their families. I inform you that all roads from Caracas to Barlovento have been restored to make it safe for travelers. Here at Higuerote we are waiting for you to attend to and take care of you on these days off.”

In addition, he indicated that starting this Sunday, carnival floats will be deployed in the streets, and a great musical concert will take place on Carnival Monday. He invited them to enjoy Higuerote, the joy, atmosphere of happiness and guarantees of public safety so that they have a phenomenal stay and a smooth return home.