

Miranda Government rehabilitates Ernesto Regener hospital in Rio Chico

Care provided through a request known to the 1x10 of Good Governance
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 22/05/2024 04:40 PM

This Wednesday, the Government of Miranda State handed over to the town of Barlovento the rehabilitation work of the Dr. Ernesto Regener Hospital, in Rio Chico.

Héctor Rodríguez, the entity's first civil authority, explained that this hospital guarantees comprehensive care not only to the inhabitants of Barlovento, but also welcomes tourists who visit the region during vacation seasons.

Through official press information, it was reported that the center carried out - with the three levels of Government - the waterproofing of roofs, wall repair, repair of beds and painting, correction and replacement of wiring, repair of doors, recovery of 40 bathrooms and the installation of air conditioners.

Rodríguez explained that in the coming days, the Minister of People's Power for Science and Technology and godmother of the entity, Gabriela Jiménez, will provide laboratory kits for the health center.

A new power plant will also be provided to ensure the supply of energy to the X-ray unit and the repair of another plant for general service.

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