

Ministry of Tourism announces Second Venezuela-Colombia Binational Tourism Exchange for September

The event will take place in the city of San Cristóbal
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 27/05/2024 04:07 PM

In September, the state of Táchira will host the Second Binational Tourism Exchange between Venezuela and Colombia.

The objective of the event is to promote the creation of strategic alliances and the exploration of new trends in the business environment, especially those focused on tourism, according to a post posted on social networks.

The meeting has the support of the Minister of Popular Power for Tourism, Ali Padrón, and the collaboration of the Tachirense Tourism Corporation (COTARUR), in addition to the Táchira Chamber of Tourism.

The event is scheduled for September 5 to 7 in the city of San Cristóbal.

Those interested in attending can register on the event's official website:

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