

Ministry of Science and Technology delivers laboratory kits to study centers in Miranda

Learning tools for schoolchildren
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 08/05/2024 05:22 PM

More than 12 thousand students will benefit from the delivery of laboratory kits in Miranda state Science and Technology. In total, 27 elementary and high school schools will be served in the Altos Mirandinos and Metropolitan areas of the entity.

Chemistry for life is the name of this initiative, developed with the idea of encouraging the teaching of science in general secondary education.

From the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda State Educational Unit, in La Carlota, Chacao municipality and with the participation of the Deputy Minister for the Communalization of Science for Production, Danmarys Hernández, and the Single Authority of the Miranda Educational Zone, Rosa Becerra, the delivery was made in a joint event.

The laboratory kits contain microscopes, lighters, test tubes, portable digital scales, reagents, experiment guides, electronic magnifying glasses, and others.

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