

Ministry of Science and Technology completes robotics workshop for girls and boys in Aragua

Maracay students dedicated to acquiring knowledge
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 22/05/2024 04:02 PM

From the social network X, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology reported that an educational robotics workshop dedicated to school-age children ended this Thursday in the state of Aragua.

The social network reads: “Students from Aragua reinforce knowledge in an educational robotics workshop During this month of May, more than a thousand Aragüeño students have received training in this discipline”.

The training workshop was provided by the entity's Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology (FUNDACITE) especially for students of the National Basic School Republic of Mexico, located in the city of Maracay.

The girls and boys learned to assemble a robot using the Ultimate Kit 2.0. Later, they did practices using a tablet and connected via Bluetooth to send commands to the robot and observe its responses. In addition, participants explored block programming using the Mblock interface, a graphic environment tool, based on the Scratch 3.0 editor and designed to easily learn programming and applied electronics.

With the National Scientific Seedbeds Program, during this month of May, more than a thousand students from the state of Aragua have received training in educational robotics.

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