

Ministry of Education provides schools and high schools in Yaracuy

Implements for the local educational community
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 31/05/2024 04:16 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Education, Yelitze Santaella, visited Yaracuy state to provide funding to 171 schools in the 14 municipalities of the entity.

As reported by the government of the entity through a press release, the activity was carried out at the Ana Eliza López Educational Unit in the Independencia municipality, where the minister, accompanied by the governor of the state, Julio León, students, teaching staff and regional educational authorities, made the corresponding delivery to school managers.

Santaella explained that the contribution is part of the attention that President Nicolás Maduro provides through the 1X10 Good Governance instrument to all the needs of the population, especially those related to the education sector.

He commented that this first equipment includes tables, chairs, kitchens, dining utensils, chairs, desks, countertops, blackboards, air conditioners, water storage tanks, computer equipment , sports kits, office supplies, cleaning and toilet kits.

He also explained that the contribution will directly benefit more than 76,500 students of different levels, who will have adequate and fully equipped spaces to guarantee them an excellent education.

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