

Ministry of Ecosocialism sent to celebrate Jaguar Day in Henri Pittier Park in Aragua

Activities scheduled for this Saturday
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 29/11/2024 10:43 PM

This Saturday, November 30, the territorial team of the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) and the National Reforestation Company (CONARE) will celebrate International Jaguar Day with a fun and educational event in the state of Aragua.

A special day is scheduled with activities that will take place in the Henri Pittier National Park, a few meters from the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Guard, from 09:00am to 12:30pm. There, families from Aragüeña will be able to enjoy the discussion entitled “Our Felines of the Henri Pittier National Park”, hiking, laughing yoga and asanas, shepherds dancing and making masks.

The purpose of the invitation addressed to the community is to “learn more about the importance of this majestic feline and its habitat” describes an Instagram post by @conarearagua.

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