

Ministry of Ecosocialism frees Morrocoyes and Deer in Guárico

Preservation of the Creole fauna
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 11/06/2024 10:43 PM

The Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), through the General Directorate of Biological Diversity, released 100 savanna morrocoyes and four brown deer, the latter rescued from forest fire scenarios, in the Santa Rosa Hato of Guárico state.

With this action, the ministerial portfolio reaches the number of a thousand copies rescued, authorized and released in the national territory, in compliance with the Fifth Objective of the Homeland Plan (2013-2019) and the 6th Ecological Transformation (6aT), according to the institution's press release.

In the face of multiple forest fires, the Ecosocialist Management Team was quickly deployed to effectively address and mitigate their effects on nature, always seeking the rescue and well-being of wildlife in each region.

The head of MINEC, Josué Lorca, stressed that the care of released species is the product of voluntary deliveries for forest fire rescue.

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