Ministry of Communes held a workshop “Route to Territorial Socialism” in Monagas

PSUV photo

Published at: 21/10/2024 03:58 PM
The Ministry of Popular Power for
Communes and Social Movements, together with the School for the Strengthening of Popular
Power and the Governance of the Monagas State, gave the workshop “Route to
Socialism Territorial”, to 29 communes in the municipalities of the south in the entity.
According to information from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the training took place at the Party's facilities, located in the Temblador parish, and was led by the Single Authority of Communes in
the Eastern State, Julio Castillo, and the
director of the School for the Strengthening of Popular Power, Julianny Tábata, together with the team of trainers.
Castillo congratulated the community members for their
massive attendance at the “Route to Territorial Socialism” formation, which
was attended by 67 people, including commune commissioners,
spokespersons for the Community Councils, community youth and members of the
political formation of the PSUV and the JPSUV from the municipalities of the south.
He stressed that this activity makes it possible to promote the formation of the Chávez Nucleus, whose objective is the empowerment of Popular Power.
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