

Ministry for Transport and Government of La Guaira rehabilitate Oritapo de Caruao bridge

Improvements for the good life of the People
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 28/05/2024 06:16 PM

The Ministry of Popular Power for Transportation and the government of the state of La Guaira reactivated the Oritapo Bridge, located in the Caruao parish of the Vargas municipality.

This project benefits more than 7,000 people in the communities of Oritapo, La Sabana, Chuspa, Guayabal and Caruao.

Regarding the work, the holder of the road portfolio, Ramón Velásquez Araguayán, stated that “the instruction given by the Head of State Nicolás Maduro was carried out.

For his part, the governor of the entity, quoted in a press release from the MPPT, stated that it is a structure built with safety and quality criteria to last over time.

Information indicates that to date, 4,000 tons of asphalt have been placed, and nine edge faults have been addressed in the state.

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