

Minister Vernáez: More than 27,000 community projects will go to the 2024 National Popular Consultation

The Minister of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, Guy Vernáez

Published at: 02/04/2024 07:52 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, Guy Vernáez, together with spokespersons and spokespersons of various community organizations from different regions of the country, offered an assessment this Tuesday, April 2, on the development of activities concerning the great National Popular Consultation, which will be held on April 21.

At a press conference, Vernáez highlighted that 360 promotion teams and 4,500 Electoral Circuits have been formed throughout the Venezuelan territory, where more than 27,000 projects have been nominated in citizen meetings.

Vernáez presented the route for the National Popular Consultation campaign, which will take place as follows: from April 1 to 5, the team promoting the consultation will be installed; from April 9 to 16, the meetings will be held by the Community Electoral Circuit; and from 5 to 18 the assemblies will be convened by the Community Council with the intention of informing about the consultation process, the proposed projects and voting centers of each circuit.

He indicated that the campaign is scheduled to close from April 16 to 19; and from 16 to 20, a meeting will be convened with electoral and logistics teams to plan the effective and massive organization, strategy and mobilization of April 21.

“The Community Councils have participated very actively in the phase prior to the consultation (...) and for the development of this democratic election, there is the support and support of the National Electoral Council, in order to guarantee the participation of the People's Power in this democratic process,” he said.

He also reported that in the remaining 19 days until the election, a call campaign called “The Commune Can Do More” will take place throughout the country.

“The campaign seeks that the spokeswomen and spokespersons of the People's Power recognize their leadership and realize that the Communes can achieve more than what they have been doing and that this is the time,” he explained.

For her part, the president of the Permanent Commission for the Development of the Communes of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Blanca Eekhout, argued that in the midst of the difficult circumstances resulting from the blockade imposed on the country, the national Government has succeeded in creating a platform for the promotion of Popular Power.

“The task is for the Community Councils to be able to develop their projects, their creative and constructive experiences, that is, to govern the territory to strengthen the participatory and leading democracy of citizens,” he stressed.

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