

Minister Tellechea responded to requests made through the 1x10 of Good Governance in the state of Zulia

Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 16/05/2024 04:03 PM

Families from the municipality of San Francisco, in the state of Zulia, were treated during a 1x10 deployment of Good Governance, giving effective answers to the requests made by the People through the VenApp application.

From the multipurpose court of the Negro Primero sector, in San Francisco parish, the minister of Popular Petroleum Power and godfather of the region, Pedro Rafael Tellechea, provided 319 grants in the health area, including wheelchairs, anti-decubitus mattresses, canes, crutches, glucometers, blood pressure monitors, as well as orders for surgeries.

This deployment included the installation of a mobile domestic gas cylinder filling plant for the direct care of 500 families. In addition, 158 10 kg cylinders were awarded by PDVSA Gas Comunal.

“This is an activity organized from the ground up. Through the 1x10 of Good Government, under the leadership of President Nicolás Maduro, we are deployed in all 21 municipalities. We must reach every corner with direct and quality care,” said Tellechea, PDVSA reports on its account on the social network X.

The minister added that as part of the efforts of Good Governance, in the coming days, 14 operating rooms of the University Hospital will be reopened for quality care for the inhabitants of the state.

“Thanks to the VenApp infogovert platform, President Maduro has established a novel mechanism to increase the active participation of the people and solve their needs in record time, which has allowed us to effectively protect the population of Zulia,” said Tellechea.


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