

Minister Reverol drew up strategic plan to strengthen the 6th line of the 7 T Plan

They are currently “in a process of debating the 7 great transformations,” Reverol said.

Published at: 06/02/2024 09:42 PM

The Sectorial Vice President of Public Works and Services, Nestor Reverol, held a working meeting with the members of the National Committee for Ecological Transformation, with whom he drew up a strategic plan aimed at strengthening the sixth line of the Plan of the Seven Ts.

In his account on the social network X, Reverol stated that “we held a meeting with the members of the National Committee for Ecological Transformation, with whom we drew up a strategic plan to strengthen the 6th line of the Plan for the Development of the 7T, announced by the President. @nicolasmaduro “·

In the message, he attached a video, in which he reported that they are currently “in a process of debating the 7 major transformations, announced by the President, to set up a set of working tables”.

For her part, the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, said that “according to the Plan for the 7Q 2030, which has been guided by the Head of State, line 6 corresponds to the Preservation of the Planet and to confronting the climate crisis.”

He specified that the above-mentioned “Committee has the mission of outlining strategies to carry out this work in our territory”.

Meléndez said that “as our President @ NicolasMaduro pointed out, one of the transformations with the most impact is the 6T, the Ecological one, necessary to achieve a balance between actions in our territory, for the population to live well, in harmony with nature”.

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