

Minister Remigio Ceballos: The crime rate is decreasing in the country

The also Minister of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Remigio Ceballos

Published at: 09/05/2024 10:10 PM

The Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, A/J Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, held a meeting with citizen security authorities, with the objective of outlining strategies to protect and ensure the quality of life of the Venezuelan people.

Ceballos said that “thanks to the immediate action of the public security bodies, there has been a national reduction of a 24% decrease in crime rates compared to last year.”

In this regard, the sponsor of the 1X10 System of Good Governance in the state of Sucre, specified that in the eastern entity, there has been a decrease of 19% in punishable acts, due to new national tactics, leveraged in citizen security policy, the Great Quadrants of Peace Mission, at its eleven vertices.

The Minister for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, also stressed that these data are quantified according to the indicators of the Venezuelan Observatory for Citizen Security (OVS), and the strategic joint work carried out by police forces, with great ethics and respect for human rights, which has made it possible to effectively combat crime in the country.

Finally, the head of the citizen security portfolio reported that the Bolivarian Government will continue to strengthen a national security strategy for the protection of citizens.

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