

Minister Padrino: The FANB will be accompanying the People and being a guarantor of Peace

FANB is deployed throughout the national territory, safeguarding social peace through the implementation of the Republic Plan
Courtesy AVN

Published at: 27/07/2024 10:34 AM

The Minister for Defense, G/J Vladimir Padrino López, highlighted the climate of peace that prevails in Venezuela a few hours before the start of election day this Sunday where the President of the Republic will be elected for the period 2025-2031.

“We are only hours away from Venezuela participating in a splendid election day, where we will once again demonstrate the democratic spirit of our country,” he said in a message posted on his account on social network X, where he confirmed that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) will be ready through the Republic Plan to ensure that the climate of peace is maintained throughout the national territory.

“The FANB will be there accompanying the people through the Plan República, being guarantors of peace. Let's go then!” , he noted.

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