

Minister Padrino López: We will not allow the episodes of 2014, 2017 and 2019 to return

Words of the holder of the Defense portfolio from the hand of the Head of State
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 29/07/2024 10:15 PM

The sectoral vice-president of Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace and minister of popular power for defense, Vladimir Padrino López, assured that “we will not allow them to bring Venezuela back to the terrible situations of 2014, 2017 and 2019.”

The head of the defense portfolio highlighted that at the moment there are 23 members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) injured, including with firearms, victims of today's violent acts.

In that vein, he called on the citizens and political forces of the country to “not let ourselves be deceived”. This was stated by virtue of the montages that want to generate virtual scenarios on social networks through foreign laboratories.

The senior military official said that it is a time for decision and determination to guarantee the long-awaited peace of the Homeland “which is the basis of Venezuela's well-deserved prosperity.”

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