Minister of Ecosocialism inaugurates Aqua Reptarium at the Caricuao Zoo
Courtesy Internet
Published at: 10/02/2024 04:01 PM
The Minister of Popular Power for Ecosocialism, Josué Lorca, inaugurated the aquarium at the Caricuao Zoo called Aqua Reptarium.
It is a technological space that has more than 92 aquatic species, including fish, turtles, crocodiles, caimans and anacondas.
The owner of the Ecosialism portfolio stated that “this is a gift that we give to all Caracas people, so that they know and value the biodiversity of our country and the world. The aquarium is a sign that ecosocialism is possible and necessary, that we must care for and respect life in all its forms”.
The tour of the aquarium lasts 20 minutes and is guided by specialists who explain the characteristics and habitat of each species.
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