

Minister Ñáñez urges the Venezuelan people to take a leading role in Social Media

Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez
VTV photo

Published at: 28/05/2024 12:55 PM

The Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, called on the People of Venezuela to assume a greater role on social networks, in defense of the truth of the Fatherland, in the face of the media censorship imposed against the country.

According to information from Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), during a golden vote in support of the electoral campaign of the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro, she proposed as an alternative the system of Streets, Networks, Media, Walls and Radio Bemba , as a mechanism to reinforce this media resistance.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the threat posed by social networks, since “they have the possibility of remotely intervening in democratic processes and that these are hegemonic because they end up conditioning all media”, referring to the narratives conceived by foreign powers, with the purpose of distorting the public perception of President Maduro and facilitating possible subversive actions against him.

Ñáñez mentioned the importance of using, as President Maduro has instructed, the messaging service, WhatsApp, to disseminate information, since it is the largest of its kind in the entire world, as an essential application in the current media combat being waged on social networks.

VTV/Mazo News Team