Minister Ñáñez: Justices of the peace must be trained to achieve balance in communities

Freddy Ñáñez, Minister of the People's Power for Communication and Information Freddy Ñáñez, Minister of the People's Power for Communication and Information
Freddy Ñáñez, Minister of the People's Power for Communication and Information

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 20/12/2024 01:22 PM

The sectoral vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism and Minister of the People's Power for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, stated that justices of the peace have the task of being in a process of ongoing training to obtain the necessary tools that contribute to maintaining the balance of communities, through the exercise of their tasks in an efficient and effective way.

During the Social Networks and Justice of Peace conference , regarding the Expo Comuna La Guaira 2024, Ñáñez highlighted that there is a technological war where the main tools of attack are social networks that maintain a dark side and that is the “ability to hack our brain, transforming people's behavior through persuasion, which impacts cognitive development”.

He asserted that the objective of digital platforms is to transform human behavior by making us “stay connected as long as possible to extract individual and local data from us that are stored in Big Data, and that can be used against us.” In turn, he stressed that the job of justices of the peace is to fight in some way with this new weapon of domination.

“The task is to train ourselves for the growth of peace development and I think we are prepared to do the permanent study of how to turn social networks into phenomena of peace” for young people, for children, for the elderly in “this new leadership that emerges from Popular Power”.

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