

Minister Menéndez: On February 2, 1998, the flags of the Bolivarian project were raised

“The fundamental objective of the Bolivarian Revolution is the transformation of society,” said Menéndez

Published at: 02/02/2024 09:18 PM

The Minister of the People's Power of Planning, Ricardo Menéndez, stressed that February 2, 1998, was the first time that “the flags of the Bolivarian project have been taken up and are assumed based on the construction of a historical model.”

“The fundamental objective of the Bolivarian Revolution is the transformation of society, construction of a project and a historical-social formation framed in the National Constitution,” he said.

During an interview on the program Café en la Mañana , broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión, he emphasized that 1998 marked a rupture in the history of the country, where there was no fulfillment of State responsibilities, dignity and the power of words to carry out management.

“One of the first flags raised by Commander Hugo Chávez during his swearing in was in his second decree to comply mainly with the electoral offer, which was to call for a Constitutional process,” he recalled.

In this scenario, he explained that in those early years Commander Chávez promoted the political revolution, in which it was a matter of recognizing the People as the protagonist.

“We recognize and make the People visible with the mission system, to change living conditions,” he said.

He also argued that with the arrival of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, a process of transformation of the economy began in the midst of an economic conflict, managing to overcome it and building a future with street government.

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