

Minister Ernesto Villegas: Venezuela is a people that are committed to La Paz

The Minister of Culture, highlighted the leading role played by the different security bodies

Published at: 06/02/2024 06:03 PM

As part of the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution, the Minister of Popular Power for Culture (MPPC), Ernesto Villegas, visited the stand of the Ministry of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace (MPPRIJP), where he highlighted the work of the security organs of the Venezuelan state, in preserving the peace and tranquility of the Venezuelan people.

Venezuela has been a laboratory, in which various forms of political violence have been applied in different forms and in different stages, which have led to the development of effective action mechanisms by the Bolivarian Government through its citizen security bodies, managing to strengthen peace in the territory,” said Villegas.

In the same way, the Minister of Culture, highlighted the leading role played by the different security bodies who have demonstrated that Venezuela is committed to peace, “the Great Quadrants of Peace Mission, is a manifesto that we have for the construction of peace scenarios, thus achieving development, justice, equality and inclusion.”

“We are the same people who express themselves, in a sculptor, mathematician, firefighter, criminal investigator, criminalist, or in a public official, the same people who are committed to peace,” he said.