

Minister Ceballos: Venezuela has a powerful SNGR to handle the rainy season

Meeting of the Ministerial Security Council
Photo: MPPRIJP Press

Published at: 30/04/2024 09:50 AM

During the meeting of the Ministerial Security Council, the Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, assured that Venezuela has a powerful National Risk Management System (SNGR) to deal with the rainy season.

“Actions for the coordination and execution of prevention operations in communities will continue to be strengthened,” said Ceballos Ichaso, according to a press release from Mpprijp.

Ceballos Ichaso, stated that 65 Tropical Waves are expected to pass over Venezuela; for this reason, civil servants are active in perfect civic-military-police union for disaster relief in the face of any emergency that may arise in the national territory.

The Rain Care Plan is articulated with the governors, governors, mayors and mayors, in the provisional action of a contingency to events associated with this season.

Regarding the strengthening of the Justice System, Ceballo added that work is currently under way on the Judicial Revolution Plan, to optimize procedural speed and consolidate a Venezuelan prison system based on the welfare and rights of those deprived of liberty.

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