

Minister Ceballos leads debate on proposals that contribute to the reorganization of road safety

Third axis of transformation of Plan 7T -2030.
Photo: MPPRIJP Press

Published at: 06/02/2024 03:32 PM

The sector vice president for Public Security and Peace, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, held a meeting with representatives of the National Institute of Land Transportation (INTT), the Bolivarian National Police Corps (CPNB) and the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), with the purpose of discussing proposals that contribute to the reorganization of road safety in the country, as part of the third axis of transformation of Plan 7T -2030.

The Admiral in Chief indicated that these proposals issued by public servants make it possible to advance in the guarantee of the Human Rights of Venezuelans, peaceful and supportive coexistence; as well as in the fight against crime, comprehensive prevention for the strengthening of citizen security and all the elements that are contained in Vertex 1, “Integral Prevention for Life and Peace” of the Great Mission Quadrants of Peace, a public policy of the Bolivarian Government led by by President Nicolás Maduro.

In the same way, he highlighted the importance of prevention campaigns to raise public awareness, in order to mitigate road accident rates. “We have a reduction in accidents of 43%, as well as 35% of fatal accidents, according to the study by the Venezuelan Observatory for Citizen Security (OVS), based on data and figures provided by State institutions.”

Regarding the preparations for the device for Carnival, the Minister of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, specified that the National Government is working in a civic-military-police union, in the preparation, planning and development of the Happy and Safe Carnivals 2024 device, which will take place in the near future in the national territory.

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