

Minister Ceballos: “In Barrio el 70 we work with revolutionary strength and conviction (+7T)

Comuna Comandante Hugo Chávez of the El 70 sector of the El Valle de Caracas parish debates the 7T
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 27/02/2024 10:42 AM

The Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, highlighted the importance of the leading participation of the grassroots of Popular Power, as an essential factor that will promote the tranquility and development of the inhabitants of that capital area.

After meeting with the members of the Comandante Hugo Chávez Commune of the El 70 sector of the El Valle parish in Caracas, Ceballos described as transcendent the leading role assumed by the popular bases of the aforementioned Caracas town, to work together with the Bolivarian Government both for security and for the improvement of the model of citizen coexistence, as established by the Third Transformation of Plan 7T-2030.

“In Barrio el 70 of the El Valle parish, we work with strength and revolutionary conviction within the framework of the 7T, because our commitment is to guarantee the highest level of security for the Venezuelan people,” said the Admiral in Chief, who received the various proposals from the local Popular Power to achieve this objective.

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