

Minister Cabello: To every terrorist action there will be a strong response from the Bolivarian Government

Diosdado Cabello vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 27/08/2024 08:43 PM

The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, rejected attempts to destabilize the tranquility of the Venezuelan people by sectors that time and again carry out terrorist actions against the Venezuelan population.

“They come back again because they are defeated, because they know that the agenda of violence is failing and peace is being imposed by the People, because they know that in Venezuela the People came out to vote massively for President Nicolás Maduro and that the Supreme Court of Justice has already issued a final ruling that is why they want violence,” said Cabello Rondón.

The Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, warned the People, on behalf of the Bolivarian Government, to be vigilant in every corner of Venezuela and to report any abnormal situation.

“Do not doubt that we are going to take immediate action, we have spoken with Minister Márquez and he is already working to solve the problem and we ask the people for patience and trust and do not doubt that the Bolivarian Government will come out to restore the service and to find those guilty of this terrorist action,” he said.

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