

Minister Cabello denounces new terrorist attack against the National Electricity System

Diosdado Cabello vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 27/08/2024 08:27 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, confirmed a new terrorist and criminal attack against the National Electricity System by groups related to the extreme right that seek to destabilize the nation's social peace.

“They attacked some transmission towers affecting the electricity service, we have started to recover the system in some places but this is part of what the repeated scripts of the opposition sectors are, when they are defeated and know that peace is reigning throughout Venezuela they begin to attack,” he denounced.

The also sectoral vice-president of Public Security and Peace, specifies that the affected states were Táchira, Mérida, Barinas, Nueva Esparta and partially sectors of Miranda, La Guaira and Caracas.

He indicated that after communicating with the Minister of Electric Energy, Jorge Márquez, he informed him that they were already working to recover electrical flow in accordance with the existing protocol.

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