

Minister Cabello begins fight against illegal “piques”

Another incident recorded during this tour was the arrest of a private caravan.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 26/09/2024 03:44 AM

The vice-president of Politics, Public Security and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, began the execution of a plan aimed at preventing illegal racing of high-cylinder vehicles in urban areas, known as “piques”, as part of actions to guarantee peace and tranquility for the population.

This was announced during a tour carried out early this Thursday morning through several areas of Caracas, where after appearing in the busy area of Las Mercedes in the Baruta municipality, he led the operation to arrest several people who were carrying out illegal races with high-cylinder vehicles.

Another incident recorded during this tour was the arrest of a private caravan that tried to violate the police control area, so after its arrest, the General Directorate of Military ConstraIntelligence (DGCIM) was asked to verify the credentials of the members of this entourage and to proceed to bring them to justice.

Cabello has been insistent on the need to prevent so-called caravans, both public and private, from carrying out abuses and excesses, ignoring traffic laws when moving at high speed regardless of the area, violating freedom of movement by blocking avenues and streets for their passage, as well as people's peace by creating environments of anxiety as a result of deployment, which in many cases becomes abusive.

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