

Minister Arreaza: The Referendum has been a victorious contribution to Venezuela

Arreaza stressed that now “the popular vote now derives the concrete steps to follow.
Photo @jaarreaza

Published at: 06/12/2023 10:55 AM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, Jorge Arreaza, highlighted that the Consultative Referendum in defense of Guiana Essequiba was a victorious contribution for Venezuela from every point of view.

“Nobody can deny that the call for the Referendum on Guiana Essequiba not only positioned the issue like never before, but also became a great process of formation on the territorial controversy (...) The referendum process has been a victorious contribution for Venezuela from every point of view,” said Arreaza.

He also specified that, thanks to today, Venezuela's historical position in the controversy with Guyana, “is a much closer, more familiar, sensitive, unitary and relevant issue for Venezuelans. A people that massively manages the elements of fraud that constituted the Arbitration Award of 1899; the arguments to ratify the validity of the Geneva Agreement; the lack of competence of the International Court of Justice; the role of ExxonMobil in this new claim of territorial dispossession; and the need to serve our compatriots in the Essequibo who need us.”

He stressed that now “from the popular vote, the concrete steps to be taken are now derived. We will keep moving forward!”

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