

MINCYT improves chemistry and biology laboratories in schools in Valles del Tuy

Improvements in school facilities
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 30/04/2024 04:48 PM

The Ministry for Science and Technology (MINCYT), with support from the Miranda government, is making progress in the adaptation of new chemistry and biology laboratories in three institutions in the entity's Paz Castillo de los Valles del Tuy municipality.

The Professor Denison Azuaje Educational Unit, as well as the Lya Imber de Coronil and Dr. Francisco Espejo schools, have new laboratories to strengthen the knowledge of children and young people in science and technology, promoting early vocations in these areas.

The improvements to the chemistry and biology rooms include painting work, installation of the electrical system and a state-of-the-art monitor. These actions will be extended to other institutions of the entity.

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