

MINCULTURA awards Alí Primera Award to Mervin Maldonado, Jhoana Carrillo and the MSV

Ali Primera Award
Photo @VillegasPoljak

Published at: 15/03/2024 11:37 AM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, reported that his portfolio awarded the Ali Primera Award to the sectorial vice-president for Social and Territorial Socialism, Mervin Maldonado; to the Minister of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture, Jhoana Carrillo, and to all the members of the We Are Venezuela Movement (MSV) for their contribution to the registration of the Great Mission Viva Venezuela.

A pleasure to place my signature on the document certifying the award of the Ali Primera Prize, awarded by @minculturav and (...) for their decisive contribution to the registration process of the Great Mission #VivaVenezuela, my dear Homeland,” Villegas wrote on the social network.

In the case of the Somos Venezuela Movement, he also highlighted the deployment it has carried out throughout the country to consolidate the success of the registration days of the cultivators, cultivators and artists of our country.

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