

MINAGUAS refines strategies for the Water System Care Plan in Guaribe in Guárico state

Basic service care for the lanera entity
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 16/05/2024 04:07 PM

The Minister of the People's Power for Water Care, Rodolfo Marco Torres and government authorities from the state of Guárico, held a meeting to consolidate and study new benefits in terms of the Guaribe water system.

The parties establish future actions to strengthen water works with the revision of the action plan to strengthen this sector throughout the entity.

The head of the ministerial portfolio - quoted in a press release from the institution - announced the approval of this project for the improvements of the Santa Rosa reservoir and other sections of the water distribution system in the municipality of San José de Guaribe.

“With the action plan, we marked a breakthrough, with new outlets for the reservoir, already installed, we fortified the pumping of the vital liquid, to improve the quality of these public services, as well as the installation of sewage connectors, for the community of Terrazas de Guaribe and pipes for the communities of Las Aguaditas and El Cedro. Let's go with everything Guárico, Let's go with everything Guaribe! Full support!” , he said.

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