

MINAGUAS inaugurates a well for the benefit of more than 11 communities in Guárico

Better basic services for residents of the area
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 24/05/2024 04:09 PM

From the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Water Care (MINAGUAS), Rodolfo Marco Torres, reported on the inauguration of a drinking water well, located in the Pariapán sector in Guárico.

He wrote that this is the opening of an underground fountain, a day in which the governor of the state, José Vásquez, took part.

Minister Torres said that this well supplies, through pipes, about 400,000 liters of water per day and “it has a 5.5 HP motor and pump, is 120 meters deep and we produce 400,000 liters of water per day,” he explained.

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