

Mexico: Closed begins for the presidential elections on Sunday, July 2

The presidential elections will take place on Sunday
Photo: Internet

Published at: 30/05/2024 09:47 AM

This Thursday, electoral silence began in Mexico ahead of the presidential elections on Sunday, June 2, and will last until next Sunday when the voting tables are closed.

The measure, established in Article 251 of the Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures, is intended to allow people to have some time to reflect before casting their vote, free from the influence of advertising campaigns.

As it is also stated in article 337 of the State Electoral Law, it states that “electoral campaigns for the Government of the State shall last sixty days. The electoral campaigns for councils and municipalities will last forty days. The electoral campaigns of the political parties shall begin on the day following the registration of candidates for the respective election, and must end three days before the election day is held.”

During these days, political parties and candidates are prohibited from carrying out any type of electoral propaganda, including publications in the media and social networks.

Mazo News Team