

Mexico asked the United States and Canada for more collaboration to curb arms trafficking

During his speech, Rodríguez presented Mexico's progress in the fight against drug and arms trafficking

Published at: 08/02/2024 08:35 AM

This Wednesday, the Government of Mexico asked the United States and Canada to help combat trafficking in “high-powered” weapons, which reach the Aztec country and cause violence in the Latin American nation.

“We face similar challenges, we share borders and that forces us to seek joint solutions for the benefit of our nations,” said the Secretary (Minister) of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) of Mexico, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, during the Third Trilateral Committee to Combat Drug Trafficking and Arms Trafficking.

During his speech, Rodríguez presented Mexico's progress in combating drug and arms trafficking, particularly in the last five years, a period in which, he said, 569 tons of methamphetamine, 2,528 tons of chemical precursors, eight tons of fentanyl and 48,000 firearms have been seized. Of the latter, “70 percent” come from the United States, he said.

“The joint work of the Secretariat of National Defense, the Secretariat of the Navy, the National Guard, the Attorney General's Office and the entire Government of Mexico, such as the Secretariat of Security, has made it possible to arrest 83,553 members of criminal gangs, including 5,514 priority objectives of all criminal groups,” he concluded.

It is worth noting that the minister made these statements to the US and Canadian delegations, led by Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, National Security Advisor to the White House, and Nathalie Drouin, National Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, respectively.

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