

Merida! Residents of El Sagrario participate in the Popular Consultation to improve their outpatient clinics

National Popular Consultation 2024
Mérida Governorate

Published at: 21/04/2024 02:19 PM

The Secretary of Infrastructure and Housing of the state of Mérida, Vladimir Alarcón, invited the community to exercise their right to vote for the project they consider most important for their parish.

In this regard, he specified that people over 15 years of age have the opportunity to vote in this process, while stressing that “it is quick and simple and that it will be maintained throughout the day.”

For his part, Erick Torres, a resident of the parish of El Sagrario, explained that this process is extremely important, since the population has the opportunity to vote for the refurbishment of structures in the health sector.

“If we manage to win, we can do a lot with the capital allocated to us for the Belén, Monseñor Chacón and El Llano outpatient clinics, healthcare centers that are used by all the inhabitants of the city,” Torres added.

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