

MÉRIDA - MÉRIDA//President Maduro: I swear that I will continue to guarantee peace out of love for Venezuela

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at a mass meeting with the People of Mérida

Published at: 13/06/2024 04:00 PM

The country's candidate, Nicolás Maduro, swore to continue with moral strength and loyalty to the Bolivarian Revolution out of love for Venezuela.

“I swear by the Creator Father, by the memories of our liberators and liberators, by Chávez that I will not give rest to my soul that I will fight for the peace and life of my people,” he emphasized before a mass meeting with the people of the state of Mérida.

He assured that he will not fail and will stand firm and urged the People to the maximum discipline of 1x10x7 to guarantee the victory of July 28.

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