

MÉRIDA - LIBERTADOR/Cabello: The opposition doesn't believe in elections and is preparing for violence

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 25/06/2024 06:01 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, from the Libertador municipality of the state of Mérida, accompanied the Andean people in a massive march in support of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

During his meeting with the people of Merida, Cabello highlighted the participation of young people in the walk that reiterates support for the national president.

The leader invited the militancy to register in the 1x10x7, and assured that the numbers of this method will be announced on July 28 at night “and the patarucos will come as a surprise”.

He specified that the opposition “does not believe in elections and is preparing for violence”, which is why he recalled that in the past Mérida “unfortunately it was the center of a terrible experiment against its people, terrible because they brought violence from other places, specifically from Colombia, and they said that the state of Táchira and the state of Mérida were going to be the centers of violence.”

In that sense, he warned the right that both the people and the government have learned from the past and will preserve peace as a “fundamental value”.

“When we say with certainty hope is in the street, they know that it is so, because the hope that is on the street today with the people walking, with the people in need, with the humble people, is not embodied by the violent opposition nor the patarucos; that hope is embodied by brother President Nicolás Maduro, he embodies the Bolivarian Revolution,” he added.

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