

Members of the FANB began training in the area of robotics

The FANB remain in a process of ongoing formation to guarantee the defense of our sovereignty
Photo: @Gabrielsjr

Published at: 11/06/2024 11:26 AM

Members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) began a training process in educational robotics to consolidate the country's technological development, said the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Gabriela Jiménez.

“From the spaces of Industrias Canaima, located at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base, La Carlota, we receive these men and women who will replicate in the Military Academies, all the knowledge acquired in this Specialized Training in Educational Robotics that will take place from June 10 to 15, 2024", explained the minister from her account X.

In this regard, he explained that the Government continues to strengthen techniques and provide tools so that knowledge can be multiplied and have a direct impact on national development.

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