

Meléndez: We're marching in support of our only candidate Nicolás Maduro

Carmen Meléndez, Sectorial Vice President of Regional and Municipal Affairs of the PSUV

Published at: 25/03/2024 11:49 AM

The sectoral vice-president for Regional and Municipal Affairs of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Chief Admiral Carmen Meléndez, stressed that this March 25, the People are marching in support of the registration of Nicolás Maduro's patriotic candidacy.

“Everyone in the streets, accompanying our revolutionary leader,” extended the invitation through the social network X.

In this regard, he stressed that Nicolás Maduro is the only candidate with the red curtain for the next elections on July 28, while describing the son of Commander Chávez as “the guarantor of peace, sovereignty and stability of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”.

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