

Meléndez: Venezuela and Mexico are sister towns in Bolivar!

Mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez
Photo Capture

Published at: 17/03/2024 11:05 AM

This Sunday, March 17, the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Melénde z, confirmed that Venezuela and Mexico are brothers who reaffirm their essence of integration in the thoughts of the Liberator Simon Bolivar and the hero of Mexican independence José María Morelos.

“If anything should remain for posterity, it is that if the Mexican people consider our father of the Fatherland as one of their fellow citizens, our essence of integration is reaffirmed and therefore our brotherhood, our indissoluble solidarity to say We are brothers and sisters in Bolivar,” Meléndez said after the Flower Offering commemorating the Bicentennial of the Designation of Simon Bolivar as a Mexican citizen.

He also thanked the People of Mexico for loving Bolivar, and in turn, he stressed that the courage and resistance of the People of Venezuela are linked to the history of Father Bolivar, who is the present and future of our Homeland.

He recalled that in Venezuela it was Commander Hugo Chávez, who took Bolivar out of the statues and put him on a ride with the people. “He imbued Bolívar in our blood, in our veins, to keep him alive always,” he said.

He reaffirmed, then, that “that identity of Bolivarians and Bolivarians, 200 years later, calls us to continue our struggles with what we say today, like our president Nicolás Maduro Moros and President Andrés Manuel López Obrado r: We remain united and united in the construction of a new world, a new world order that is more just, supportive and humanistic. In the name of Bolívar and Morelos, we will continue to win.”

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