

Mariano Picón Salas bequeathed invaluable contributions to Latin American literature (+Christmas)

Picón Salas founded the National Institute of Culture and Fine Arts and participated in the founding of the Venezuelan Revolutionary Organization

Published at: 26/01/2024 08:05 AM

On January 26, 1901, Mariano Picón Salas, a renowned philosopher, historian, novelist, critic and biographer, was born in Mérida, and is also considered the greatest Venezuelan essayist of the 20th century.

He also began studying in Venezuela and then received his doctorate in Philosophy and Letters in Chile, where he worked as librarian and professor of Art History and General Literature at the University of Chile.

In Venezuela, he founded the National Institute of Culture and Fine Arts and participated in the founding of the Venezuelan Revolutionary Organization. He was a cultural attaché in the United States, ambassador to Colombia, Brazil and Mexico, and our country's delegate to UNESCO.

Some of his most outstanding works are: Understanding Venezuela, From Conquest to Independence: Three Centuries of Cultural History and Pedro Claver, the saint of slaves.

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