

Manifesto of the Communist Party: A Guide to the Struggles of Oppressed Peoples

Manifesto of the Communist Party

Published at: 21/02/2024 08:03 AM

“The entire history of human society, to this day, is a history of class struggles.” This is how the Manifesto of the Communist Party began, a work in which Carlos Marx and Federico Engels described the history of humanity in their struggle against the oppression of the elites that, constituted as States, have subjugated men and women in slavery.

Published on February 21, 1848, this book remains a beacon that illuminates the struggles of peoples who continue to struggle against capitalism that subjects humanity to misery, hunger, death and repression, in the name of progress and the enrichment of a small elite.

“The proletarians, with it, have nothing to lose, other than their chains. Instead, they have an entire world to win. Proletarians of all countries, unite!”

Manifesto of the Communist Party

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