

Maduro Podcast: Head of State and President of the AN relate experiences of raids to the UCV

Episode #6 of President Nicolás Maduro's podcast

Published at: 26/01/2024 04:11 PM

The Head of State of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, recounted their experiences during the raids on the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in the governments of the Fourth Republic.

During his participation as a special guest in episode number 6 of the Maduro Podcast, Rodríguez told about his childhood homes in Caracas, as well as the places where he studied, especially the kindergarten at the UCV, where “once there was a Food Day event and I was disguised as beetroot in a purple jumpsuit and they raided, the Metropolitan Police broke in and we ran away and like me I was wearing the monkey and I was shot down that mountain,” she said.

In this regard, President Maduro recalled that he grew up in front of the San Pedro church, near the University. My whole childhood was lead, lead and lead, tear gas that came into my house, my mom did everything, she hid us. The bathroom in the house was full of bullets everywhere. The UCV raids were impressive, that's not known because nobody talks about it and it's not in the history books ,” he criticized.

“Surely in one of those raids when you were a child, you were studying at the UCV, I was at home protecting myself from tear gas surely, it was a very common thing... They broke into the house and they raided your school too,” recalled the Dignitary in conversation with the deputy.

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